Monday, January 25, 2010



Ok so as we all know a lot has been going on in the entertainment industry since the Haiti disaster. It’s so good so see how everyone is pitching in and working together to help bring relief to the country. Well in recent news there has been controversy over how sings Bob Marley’s, “Redemption Song” best, Melanie Fiona or Rihanna, in an outreach effort to help bring money to Haiti. I am a lover of music & passionate about humanity so I feel obligated to discuss this.

This song in my opinion purpose is to motivate and encourage a struggling people to still keep their faith in the mist of trials, tribulations and havoc. That in the storm does not endure forever and by keeping faith you are redeeming your freedom. So of course I can say both singers intentions were in the right place because all they want to do is to simply help provide relief. As a person I still want to feel uplifted and inspired although I didn’t encounter the tragedy first hand. Just like the tremendous burden the Haiti disaster put on us all to help and unite and become a part of a greater cause the intent & message of the song is to put the icing on the cake to press people to play a part. Because music has the power to inevitably move people of course this is the perfect platform to do so. Now the job is up to the singer to make sure the message and purpose is felt.!

Honestly on one singer’s version uplifts and motivates me to want to do more. Yes it is very true as an entertainer you must really be able to connect to your audience & make sure the message is received at the end of the song and give them something new that they didn’t have before you began singing and painting your picture.

In Melanie’s video she is captured in her apartment just singing Acapella doing her thing in Impromptu. No need for a live band when she just showing her heart to emphasis the raw form and reaching out to us all. In Rihanna video she is captured with a live band sitting on a stool on the Oprah show, which is a very professional setting which I am sure was rehearsed before performed on television.

My pick is Melanie Fiona. The girl is simply divine and doesn’t get enough credit. She has mastered what it means to be talented and do your job and still maintain beauty and star appeal at the same time. Pleassssseeee vocally my girl RiRi ain’t touching Melanie. Oh but of course Rihanna never looks anywhere short of stunning but her performance and vocals never deliver as they should. If her team spent as much time as they do on her look towards her actual performance and vocals she would be up there with Beyonce’ by now.! Or maybe is it just that she doesn’t have it in her. I don’t know personally and I hate doubting people and don’t get me wrong I love RiRi I just think as most may agree she just not a ‘Sanger’. She doesn’t pose the pipes that most singers off her status pose’. & If I am wrong , I hope she steps her ‘Sanging’ game up in the future and proves it to me.! I wish her all the best.! ~;)

Now it’s your turn to judge take a look at the video’s (evidence) & b my guest to pick which one u really liked or enjoyed that actually encouraged you to want to help and do more to provide relief for Haiti.

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